+1-800-863-5563 How do I change or cancel my AOL account for paid plans?

AOL has provided the facility for the users to change their Account type whether they want to upgrade it, or they can go for a free plan or even they can cancel it. We are here discussing the issues related to canceling the AOL Account where the users are unable to cancel their AOL paid account, well they have not to panic as we are providing the solution for the same issue with instructions and the users are required to follow the instructions with all the steps. If they face some error while following the process then t hey can have assistance through AOL customer care number +1-800-863-5563 where our technicians will resolve their issues within a short span of time. AOL Customer Support The users can manage their AOL plan from My Account option in Email interface where they can select a new plan or can review their plan or even cancel their billing. The users are required to review the following information before any action in their plans as by canceling the account will d...